The Middle East Institute presents,
*The Challenges of Integration: Muslim Immigrants and Their Children in the
United States and France*
*Friday, April 2, 2010, 8:30 am - 7:30 pm
1501 International Affairs Building
420 West 118th Street
A conference on the challenges faced by Muslim immigrants and their children
in the process of integration in France and the United States.
Organized by Ousmane Kane (SIPA, Columbia) and Khadija Mohsen Finan (Science Po, Paris) with Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Malika Zeghal, Rosemary Hicks, Mohamed Nimeir, Solenne Jouaneau, Ahmet Kuru, Louise Cainkar, Valerie Amiraux, Simona Tersigni, Ousmane Kane, Aminah Mohammed Arif, Hisham Aidi, Robert Lieberman, Mucahit Bilici, Mahamet Timera and Samim Akgonul.
Co-sponsored with Columbia University Seminar for the Study of Contemporary Africa; School of International & Public Affairs (SIPA); Center for the Study of Democracy, Toleration, & Religion (CDTR); Department of Religion at Barnard College; Institute for Religion, Culture, & Public Life (IRCPL); Institute of African Studies; Maison Française; The European Institute; Department of French & Romance Philology; Migration Working Group.
A resource of quotes and links relating to belief, practice and realization; Islam and Muslims in the United States...and other matters of interest
Thursday, April 1, 2010
'Life In Year One': The World As Jesus Found It
by one of my professors, Scott Korb :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
from Imam al-Ghazali's Faysal al-Tafriqa part 2
And it may be that, of all the schools, his patron (whom he follows) is inclined toward the Ash'arite school, holding that to go against this school, even in the finest of details, is an incontrovertible act of Unbelief. Ask him, though, how he came to enjoy this monopoly over the truth, such that he could adjudge (the likes of) al-Baqillani to be an Unbeliever (kafir) because the latter goes against him on the question of God's possessing the attribute of eternity, holding that this attribute is indistinct from the essence of God. Why should al-Baqillani be more deserving to be branded an Unbeliever for going against the Ash'arite school than the Ash'arites would be for going against al-Baqillani? Why should one of these parties enjoy a monopoly over the truth to the exclusion of the other?
Is it on the basis of who preceded whom in time? If this be the case, then al-Ash'ari [6] was himself preceded by others like the Mu'tazilites. Let the truth, then, rest with precedence. Or is it on the basis of one possessing more virtue and knowledge than other? But by what scale and by what measuring device is this knowledge and virtue to be quantified, such that it would be proper for him to claim that no one in existance is more virtuous than the other he has chosen to follow?-On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abu Hamid al Ghazali's Faysal al Tafriqa (Studies in Islamic Philosophy, V. 1)
Shuruq 2010 Presents - Gender Roles: Islam vs. Culture
Type: Education - Workshop
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Kimmel Room 802
Street: 60 Washington Square South
City/Town: New York, NY
This event will focus on socially constructed gender roles and distinguishing the gender norms endemic to Islam with those prevalent in dominant cultures throughout the Muslim world and the United States. The discussion will also focus on the implications that these differences manifest in society at large for both men and women. We hope that you will be able to join us to hear the different perspectives that each speaker has to offer on the significance that gender has had from historical to contemporary societies and within Islam.
Note: Please arrive on time so we can begin promptly. There will be a break for maghrib prayer, so do not worry about that, inshallah.
*Dr. Sherman Jackson
*Professor Sumaiya Hamdani
*Professor Marion Katz
*Haroon Moghul
**Dr. (Sherman) Abd al-Hakim Jackson: a native of Philadelphia, received his Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania in Oriental Studies –Islamic Near East in 1990. Presently, he is Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Visiting Professor of Law, and Professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Michigan. From 1987-89, he served as Executive Director for the Center of Arabic Study Abroad (CASA) in Cairo, Egypt.
Dr. Abd al-Hakim Jackson has taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Indiana University and Wayne State University. In addition to numerous articles on Islamic law, theology and history, he is author of Islamic Law and the State: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Shihâb al-Dîn al-Qarâfî (E.J. Brill, 1996), On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abû Hâmid al-Ghazâlî’s Faysal al-Tafriqa (Oxford, 2002) and, most recently, the controversial Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Towards the Third Resurrection (Oxford, 2005).
Dr. Abd al-Hakim Jackson is co-founder of the American Learning Institute for Muslims (ALIM), a primary instructor at its programs, and a member of its Board of Trustees. Jackson is also a former member of the Fiqh Council of North America, past president of the Sharî‘ah Scholars’ Association of North America (SSANA) and a past trustee of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). He is a sought-after speaker and has lectured throughout the US and in numerous countries abroad.
**Professor Sumaiya Hamdani: is Associate Professor at George Mason University and founder and director of the Islamic Studies Program. She completed her B.A. in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, her M.A. at the American University in Cairo, and her Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Princeton University. Hamdani has also taught Middle East, Islamic and Global history at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington (1995-96). Hamdani has published in the field of medieval Islamic thought and law, and Muslim women’s history.
**Professor Marion Katz: received my PhD from the University of Chicago in Near Eastern and Languages and Civilizations in 1997. She taught at Mount Holyoke College from 1997 to 2002 and have been at NYU since 2002. Her first book, Body of Text: The Emergence of the Sunni Law of Ritual Purity (2002), dealt with early Islamic debates over issues of purity and pollution and the insights they provide into issues relating to the body, gender, and community boundaries. The second book, The Birth of the Prophet Muhammad: Devotional Piety in Sunni Islam (2007), deals with the narratives and ritual practices surrounding the commemoration of the Prophet’s birth. Both the female-centered nature of many of the narratives and the long history of women’s involvement in this ritual practice gave this project a gendered dimension. In 2006-08, she began a new project funded by the Carnegie Corporation, focusing on the issue of women’s mosque access.
**Haroon Moghul is Executive Director of The Maydan Institute. He served as Director of Public Relations at the Islamic Center at New York University (NYU) from 2007 to 2009. Mr. Moghul holds an M.A. in Middle East and South Asian Studies from Columbia University, where he is currently a Ph.D. candidate. His fields of study include Muslim nationalism in South Asia, colonial and post-colonial Islamic politics and the development of the Indian Ocean economy. Mr. Moghul graduated from NYU in 2002 with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Philosophy, and a minor in Arabic. He has also has studied Persian, Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu. He was nominated for the 2009 Presidential Award for Best Teaching by a Graduate Student at Columbia University.
Mr. Moghul’s sermons and lectures are included in the Islamic Center at NYU’s new media services, which average over 30,000 unique downloads per month from over 120 countries. His academic engagements include Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan, the University of California-Berkeley, and the University of Minnesota. Mr. Moghul has been interviewed by or otherwise featured on CNN, al-Hurra, The History Channel, ABC-7, Voice of America, National Public Radio (NPR), UN Radio (Arabic), The New Yorker, TIME, the Guardian, and The National (Abu Dhabi).
Formerly contributing editor and end-page columnist for Islamica Magazine, Mr. Moghul maintains a popular blog, Avari, which won several Brass Crescent Awards, including wins for Best Muslim Blog, Best Thinker and Best Writing. His essays and articles have been published in a variety of international media, including Pakistan's Dawn and The Friday Times, as well as American media, including Tikkun and Religion Dispatches. He prepares policy reports and analyses for Tabah Foundation, an Abu-Dhabi based think-tank devoted to bridging Muslim tradition and contemporary Western politics and thought. Mr. Moghul’s first analytic brief, published in English and Arabic, considered the role of Muslim scholars in encouraging dialogue with the United States. His first novel, The Order of Light, was released by Penguin Global in 2006. A French translation, Comment j'ai échappé à l'Ordre de lumière, was published by Cherche Midi in 2007.
Haroon Moghul has been selected as one of over 500 global Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) and participated in the MLT Conference in Doha, Qatar (2009). Mr. Moghul will be presenting his research into the effects of new media at the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia.
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Kimmel Room 802
Street: 60 Washington Square South
City/Town: New York, NY
This event will focus on socially constructed gender roles and distinguishing the gender norms endemic to Islam with those prevalent in dominant cultures throughout the Muslim world and the United States. The discussion will also focus on the implications that these differences manifest in society at large for both men and women. We hope that you will be able to join us to hear the different perspectives that each speaker has to offer on the significance that gender has had from historical to contemporary societies and within Islam.
Note: Please arrive on time so we can begin promptly. There will be a break for maghrib prayer, so do not worry about that, inshallah.
*Dr. Sherman Jackson
*Professor Sumaiya Hamdani
*Professor Marion Katz
*Haroon Moghul
**Dr. (Sherman) Abd al-Hakim Jackson: a native of Philadelphia, received his Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania in Oriental Studies –Islamic Near East in 1990. Presently, he is Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Visiting Professor of Law, and Professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Michigan. From 1987-89, he served as Executive Director for the Center of Arabic Study Abroad (CASA) in Cairo, Egypt.
Dr. Abd al-Hakim Jackson has taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Indiana University and Wayne State University. In addition to numerous articles on Islamic law, theology and history, he is author of Islamic Law and the State: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Shihâb al-Dîn al-Qarâfî (E.J. Brill, 1996), On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abû Hâmid al-Ghazâlî’s Faysal al-Tafriqa (Oxford, 2002) and, most recently, the controversial Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Towards the Third Resurrection (Oxford, 2005).
Dr. Abd al-Hakim Jackson is co-founder of the American Learning Institute for Muslims (ALIM), a primary instructor at its programs, and a member of its Board of Trustees. Jackson is also a former member of the Fiqh Council of North America, past president of the Sharî‘ah Scholars’ Association of North America (SSANA) and a past trustee of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). He is a sought-after speaker and has lectured throughout the US and in numerous countries abroad.
**Professor Sumaiya Hamdani: is Associate Professor at George Mason University and founder and director of the Islamic Studies Program. She completed her B.A. in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, her M.A. at the American University in Cairo, and her Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Princeton University. Hamdani has also taught Middle East, Islamic and Global history at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington (1995-96). Hamdani has published in the field of medieval Islamic thought and law, and Muslim women’s history.
**Professor Marion Katz: received my PhD from the University of Chicago in Near Eastern and Languages and Civilizations in 1997. She taught at Mount Holyoke College from 1997 to 2002 and have been at NYU since 2002. Her first book, Body of Text: The Emergence of the Sunni Law of Ritual Purity (2002), dealt with early Islamic debates over issues of purity and pollution and the insights they provide into issues relating to the body, gender, and community boundaries. The second book, The Birth of the Prophet Muhammad: Devotional Piety in Sunni Islam (2007), deals with the narratives and ritual practices surrounding the commemoration of the Prophet’s birth. Both the female-centered nature of many of the narratives and the long history of women’s involvement in this ritual practice gave this project a gendered dimension. In 2006-08, she began a new project funded by the Carnegie Corporation, focusing on the issue of women’s mosque access.
**Haroon Moghul is Executive Director of The Maydan Institute. He served as Director of Public Relations at the Islamic Center at New York University (NYU) from 2007 to 2009. Mr. Moghul holds an M.A. in Middle East and South Asian Studies from Columbia University, where he is currently a Ph.D. candidate. His fields of study include Muslim nationalism in South Asia, colonial and post-colonial Islamic politics and the development of the Indian Ocean economy. Mr. Moghul graduated from NYU in 2002 with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Philosophy, and a minor in Arabic. He has also has studied Persian, Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu. He was nominated for the 2009 Presidential Award for Best Teaching by a Graduate Student at Columbia University.
Mr. Moghul’s sermons and lectures are included in the Islamic Center at NYU’s new media services, which average over 30,000 unique downloads per month from over 120 countries. His academic engagements include Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan, the University of California-Berkeley, and the University of Minnesota. Mr. Moghul has been interviewed by or otherwise featured on CNN, al-Hurra, The History Channel, ABC-7, Voice of America, National Public Radio (NPR), UN Radio (Arabic), The New Yorker, TIME, the Guardian, and The National (Abu Dhabi).
Formerly contributing editor and end-page columnist for Islamica Magazine, Mr. Moghul maintains a popular blog, Avari, which won several Brass Crescent Awards, including wins for Best Muslim Blog, Best Thinker and Best Writing. His essays and articles have been published in a variety of international media, including Pakistan's Dawn and The Friday Times, as well as American media, including Tikkun and Religion Dispatches. He prepares policy reports and analyses for Tabah Foundation, an Abu-Dhabi based think-tank devoted to bridging Muslim tradition and contemporary Western politics and thought. Mr. Moghul’s first analytic brief, published in English and Arabic, considered the role of Muslim scholars in encouraging dialogue with the United States. His first novel, The Order of Light, was released by Penguin Global in 2006. A French translation, Comment j'ai échappé à l'Ordre de lumière, was published by Cherche Midi in 2007.
Haroon Moghul has been selected as one of over 500 global Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) and participated in the MLT Conference in Doha, Qatar (2009). Mr. Moghul will be presenting his research into the effects of new media at the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia.
Monday, March 29, 2010
"Islamic Liberation Theology" by Hamid Dabashi
From the back cover:
On google books
This is a wide-ranging and trenchant critique of the ideological thinking behind American imperialism in the Middle East. But beyond that, it makes the intriguing argument that the world has already entered a phase of revolutionary resistance transcending the old ‘Islam vs. the West’ cliché. Anyone interested in the current debates about the future of America’s global hegemony will profit from reading this original and passionately written book.
--Talal Asad, City University of New York
In this highly original work, Hamid Dabashi examines the exhaustion of older forms of Islamist politics and brilliantly explores the modes of argument, performance, and protest that offer alternative sources for a politics of liberation and coexistence. A book to be read by anyone who wants to escape the narrowness of current debates about Islam and the West.
--Timothy Mitchell, New York University
Islamic Liberation Theology is a significant achievement. Its broad historical scope and detailed knowledge of Islam’s contours make it a unique resource in the field. Dabashi has produced a work that none who purport to understand the future of Islam as a force for liberation can afford to ignore.
--Manning Marable, Columbia University
This book is a radical piece of counter-intuitive rethinking of the clash of civilizations theory and global politics.
In this richly detailed criticism of contemporary politics, Hamid Dabashi argues that after 9/11 we have not seen a new phase in a long running confrontation between Islam and the West, but that such categories have in fact collapsed and exhausted themselves. The West is no longer a unified actor and Islam is ideologically depleted in its confrontation with colonialism. Rather we are seeing the emergence of the US as a lone superpower, and a confrontation between a form of imperial globalized capital and the rising need for a new Islamic theodicy.
The combination of political salience and theoretical force makes Islamic Liberation Theology a cornerstone of a whole new generation of thinking about political Islamism and a compelling read for anyone interested in contemporary Islam, current affairs and US foreign policy. Dabashi drives his well-supported and thoroughly documented points steadily forward in an earnest and highly readable style.
Hamid Dabashi is Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York, USA. He is the author of several books including: Authority in Islam: From the Rise of Muhammad to the Establishment of the Umayyads (1989/1992); Iran: A People Interrupted (2007); Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1993/2005); Dreams of a Nation: On Palestinian Cinema (edited with an Introduction, 2006); and Close up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present, Future (2001).
On google books
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Commentary on Taj al 'arus by Dr. Abdal Hakim Sherman Jackson
April 3rd & 4th from 10am to 6pm
New York University
Location: TBA
Taj al 'Arus, the Crown of a bride, is a renowned classical text that describes why and how one should discipline one’s self or nafs, full of beautiful analogies encouraging the reader to be steadfast and heedful in disciplining the nafs. Join us as Dr. Sherman Jackson offers extensive commentary on this important text.
Admission: $20/person.
New York University
Location: TBA
Taj al 'Arus, the Crown of a bride, is a renowned classical text that describes why and how one should discipline one’s self or nafs, full of beautiful analogies encouraging the reader to be steadfast and heedful in disciplining the nafs. Join us as Dr. Sherman Jackson offers extensive commentary on this important text.
Admission: $20/person.
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