A resource of quotes and links relating to belief, practice and realization; Islam and Muslims in the United States...and other matters of interest
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Times of Wisdom with Imam Dawood Yasin in Canton, Michigan
Questions? Email us: programs@deenintensive.com
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Interdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary research isn't a process of linear transfer. You can't say, 'Well, here I've done my work in siesmology' and hand it to the theologian and say, 'Will you make something sensible out of this from your perspective?' Things have to be conceived and executed at the nexus between the two disciplines. You have to start at the very beginning and frame the problem in a way that is valuable to both at once.
John Mutter, Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies and Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
-Quoted as the epigraph in the Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Volume 63: 1&2
[Stumbled upon this just now at the NYU library on the 3rd floor collection of periodicals. It has a 19 page article called "Islamic Environmental Stewardship: Nature and Science in the Light of Islamic Philosophy" by Munjed M. Murad.
Apparently, you can read the entire review here]
Yazid b. Abu Habib from Marthad b. 'Abdullah al-Yazani from Abu Ruhm al-Sama'i [who] told me that Abu Ayyub told him: 'When the apostle came to lodge with me in my house he occupied the ground floor, while I and Umm Ayyub were above. I said to him, "O prophet of God, you are dear to me as my parents, and I am distressed that I should be above and you below me. So leave your present quarters and exchange places with us." He replied: "O Abu Ayyub, it is more convenient for me and my guests that we should be on the ground floor of the house." So we remained as we were. Once we broke a jar of water and Umm Ayyub and I took one of our garments to mop up the water in fear that it would drop on the apostle and came him annoyance. We had no cloth which we could use.
'We used to prepare his evening meal and send it to him. When he returned what was left, Umm Ayyub and I used to touch the spot where his hand had rested and eat from that in the hope of gaining a blessing.'-pgs. 229-230 of The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah by A. Guillaume
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Patrick J. Ryan, S.J.: Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek
Patrick J. Ryan, S.J., the Laurence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society at Fordham University, has spent about half his life as a Jesuit priest working mostly in Nigeria and Ghana.
On Heroes
"Why'd you come-the first time?"-pg. 148 of The Natural by Bernard Malamud
She rubbed her cigarette into the dirt. "Because I hate to see a hero fail. There are so few of them."
She said it seriously and he felt she meant it.
"Without heroes we're all plain people and don't know how far we can go."
"You mean the big guys set the records and the little buggers try and bust them?"
"Yes, it's their function to be the best and for the rest of us to understand what they represent and guide ourselves accordingly."
He hadn't thought of it that way but it sounded all right.
"There are so many young boys you influence."
"That's right," said Roy.
"You've got to give them your best."
"I try to do that."
"I mean as a man too."
He nodded.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Five for Fighting "100 Years"
Check out this video on YouTube:
Monday, February 13, 2012
Dustin Craun: Breaking the Chains of Modernity | Adbusters
Similar to Gloria Anzaldua’s concept La Facultad, a form of inner knowledge, is the Islamic concept of Al Basira, the eye of the heart, which is the center of spiritual perception if properly developed. As the great Mystic philosopher Al-Ghazali put it in his masterwork of the inner sciences of Islam, Ihya’ ulum al-din, “Creation refers to the external, and character to the internal, form. Now, the human is composed of a body which perceives with ocular vision (basar) and a spirit (ruh) and a soul (nafs) which perceive with inner sight (basira). Each of these things has an aspect and a form which is either ugly or beautiful. Furthermore, the soul which perceives with inner sight (basira) is of greater worth than the body which sees with ocular vision.” In seeing with the eye of our heart we can begin to differentiate between form and meaning, as the outward forms of things are not always their internal and spiritual reality.The vision of our hearts has become blinded by the poison of base materialism. In the verse poetry of the early female Sufi saint, Rabi’a al-Adawiyya: “O children of Nothing! Truth can’t come in through your eyes, Nor can speech go out through your mouth to find [God], Hearing leads the speaker down the road to anxiety, And if you follow your hands and feet you will arrive at confusion. The real work is in the Heart: Wake up your Heart! Because when the Heart is completely awake, Then it needs no Friend.”
@musafurber, 2/12/12 1:10 AM
2/12/12 1:10 AM "Reclaiming a sense of the sacred" (via the Chronicle of Higher Education) ~ j.mp/xxx0oh #fb |
@KLatif, 2/12/12 1:54 PM
2/12/12 1:54 PM Check out our hashtag #ICNYU2012 for some great moments and gems from the conference and share your own using the same tag as well |
@omersubhani, 2/13/12 12:08 AM
2/13/12 12:08 AM Great convo btwn @ggreenwald and Chomsky on Liberty and Justice for Some: c-spanvideo.org/program/WithLi |
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