Saturday, March 30, 2013

Robert George, et al.: "What Is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense"

Just picked up this book (from a used bookstore on St. Mark's, Bet. Ave A and 1st, for eight bucks). You can check it out at Amazon if you don't have similar 'luck' ;)

"A lot more is at stake in the marriage debate than the definition of a word, and this book reveals just how much. Its defense of marriage is philosophical and sociological, not theological, but people of all faiths will find it illuminating and edifying."

-- Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Zaytuna College

NYT: N.Y.U.'s President: Visionary

Check this exciting initiative out!

Permaculture Tarim | Permaculture Research Institute Tarim, Yemen

Via Rhamis Kent

Underpinning the MENA Democratic Transition | Climate Articles | Programmes | E3G

Via Rhamis Kent

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Watch "The Future of Catholic-Muslim Relations Under the New Pope Francis" on YouTube

Pope refers to "Muslim brothers" on Good Friday | Nation & World | The Seattle Times

Pope's foot-wash a final straw for some traditionalists | Nation & World | The Seattle Times

Via Sirf

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Watch "Where is God? Time, Space, Big Bang // Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson" on YouTube

"Why not just wear a burqa": Experiences of ethnic minority women writing online

Recent Economist articles on Bangladesh

ALIM Summer Program 2013: Saturday, June 1 – Sunday, June 23, 2013. Scrutinize. Study. Strengthen.

List of articles on the construction and destruction in the holy sites of Mecca and Madinah

 The Atlantic:
 The Independent:

New Republic:

New Yorker:

Omid Safi:

McMecca: The Strange Alliance of Clerics and Businessmen in Saudi Arabia

Maryam Ramadan: "Muslims: Feminists of Faith"

Shuruq at NYU

Month long series of events ma sha Allah

Light without Fire: The Making of America's First Muslim College

Professor Junaid Rana

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Taj al-Arus selection

Via Tarek Elgindi

Khaled Abou El Fadl quote

Representing God's law to other human beings is truly an onerous burden. The burden is not simply to represent the evidence of God's particular injunctions, but to also internalize God's goodness and morality within oneself. The burden is one of diligence and honesty, not just with the textual sources, but with oneself--to bring the intellect and conscience to bear upon how we evaluate and understand the evidence.

-pg. 15 of Rebel Between Spirit and Law: Ahmad Zarruq, Sainthood, and Authority in Islam by Scott Kugle. Footnote 11.

Imam Zaid on Bill Moyers (June 22, 2007)

Bill Moyers talks with Imam Zaid Shakir, an African-American who converted to Islam as a young man, about the importance of a moderate Muslim voice in America.

Malcolm X's (Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) Letter from Mecca

Malcolm X on his sister Ella Collins

Then, there was my sister Ella herself. I couldn't get over what she had done. I've said before, this is a strong big, black, Georgia-born woman. Her domineering ways had gotten her put out of the Nation of Islam's Boston Mosque Eleven; they took her back, then she left on her own. Ella had started studying under Boston orthodox Muslims, then she founded a school where Arabic was taught! She couldn't speak it, she hired teachers who did. That's Ella! She deals in real estate, and she was saving up to make the pilgrimage. Nearly all night, we talked in her living room. She told me there was no question about it; it was more important that I go. I thought about Ella the whole flight back to New York. A strong woman. She had broken the spirits of three husbands, more driving and dynamic than all of them combined. She had played a very significant role in my life. No other woman ever was strong enough to point me in directions; I pointed women in directions. I had brought Ella into Islam, and now she was financing me to Mecca.
-Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 349.

Also see, "Who is Ella Collins?"

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Omid Safi: Murder of a Cleric: Order, Chaos, and Justice in a Violent World

Daughter of Syria's slain cleric [Shaykh al-Buti] speaks out

The Academic Study of Islam and/in/for the Wounded Empire; A Lecture by Dr. Farid Esack at Union

Date: Friday, April 5, 2013
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Location: Union Theological Seminary, The Social Hall

The September 11th, 2001 attacks in the USA significantly impacted Islamicists (scholars in the Study of Islam). These events contributed immensely to the growth of irenic scholarship, in which Islamicists increasingly dove into the trenches in order to help save Muslims and the image of Islam from the attacks of different quarters—primarily Western governments and armies and the mass media.
This defensive engagement of the Islamicist, described as 'bunker scholarship', raises significant questions about fidelity to the post-Enlightenment foundations of critical scholarship. What is more, such scholarship often plays a significantly accommodationist role in co-creating compliant Muslim subjects in a larger hegemonic project.

Registration is required, RSVP online!

Islamophobia Studies Journal

Watch "Dr. Tariq Ramadan Promotes CelebrateMercy's "The Rise & Call of Muhammad" Webcast" on YouTube

Watch ""We are present in the Garden of The Messenger" - Nader Khan at SeekersHub Toronto" on YouTube