Saturday, February 13, 2010

"We need to emphasize in our communities

the mental health professions and the counseling professions to help people deal with the tumult of reality that is overwhelming and these issues and challenges do not exist in our fiqh canon with all due reverence. The juridical canon does not deal with psychological trauma but it must. We must write the books to deal with psychological issues. Address the mental health of our communities.

Address how a child who is dealing with their package, they're clumsy or not good looking and they don't know that Allah made them this way as a challenge for them and a challenge for other people and this is a trial. This person grows up to be overbearing. They call them thuqala in the literature of Islamic, in the Islamic library and unfortunately this is funny, the thuqala are the butts of jokes when in reality we commit a double crime against them, we don't nurture properly in childhood and when a person comes out disjointed and out of sorts and not connected and unable to deal properly with the world they are shunned for being overbearing and heavy.
-Shaykh Abdallah Adhami at RIS

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