Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why ARE so many modern British career women converting to Islam?

Interesting read


  1. I can't believe this lady is still rejecting Islam?! How can she still be so adamant after these insightful interviews? It is unconscionable! it reminds me of the aya
    إنا جعلنا على قلوبهم أكنة أن يفقهوه و في آذانهم وقرا و إن تدعهم إلى الهدى فلن يهتدوا إذن أبدا

    الله يعافينا و يفتح بصيرتنا للحق و لا يجعلنا صم بكم عمي يا لطيف

  2. Peoples's negative experiences of 'religious people' can be so alienating dude, to a point it's not even about theology or truth - they were hurt deeply inside...
