Saturday, August 29, 2009


"There has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves, grievous to whom is your suffering, concerned for you, to the believers gentle and compassionate." (Qur'an, Sura 9 At-Tawbah: verse 128)

footnote no. 416 of the Majestic Qur'an:

"In this verse Allah states that His Messenger is one of us, a human being with whom we can feel an affinity, whom we can take as an example, who can make us feel comfortable. The difference between him and us is stressed elsewhere where Allah says the the Prophet is but a man like us, but one who is capable to receive revelation.

It is also the stated attribute of the Prophet that he is full of solicitude for every member of his community. This held good in his lifetime and still holds good now, as it will hold good on the Day of Reckoning. The Prophet informed us that after his death our deeds would be shown to him and he would rejoice and thank Allah if they were good but grieve and ask forgiveness for us if they were not.

At the end of the verse Allah describes the Prophet using two of His Own attributes, gentleness and compassion. The way is thus open for us to attribute to the Prophet the rest of the Divine attributes, which he posses to perfection, but the perfection of the creature, not that of the Creator. As the Prophet is fully human and we are told to emulate him, these are attributes we too can acquire, but to a degree proportionate to our much smaller inner lights."

pg. 207 of The Majestic Qur'an: An English Rendition of its Meanings

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