Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Al-Akhira, the "end," is the moment of truth:

"When the great cataclysm comes, that day man will recall what he had been striving for" (79:34-35) is a typical statement of this phenomenon. It is an Hour when all veils between the mental preoccupations of man and the objective moral reality will be rent: "You were in a deep heedlessness about this [Hour of self-awareness], but now We have rent your veil, so your sight today is keen!" (50:22). Every person will find there his deepest self, fully excavated from the debris of extrinsic and immediate concerns wherein the means is substituted for ends and even pseudo-means for real means, where falsehood is not only substituted for truth but really becomes truth, and even more attractive and beautiful than truth. Man's conscience itself becomes so perverted that, through long habituation with particularized interests and persistent worship of false gods, the holy seems unholy, and vice versa. This is what the Qur'an terms ghurur, multi-layered self-deception. If man is to be free from this grave-within-a-grave structure, nothing short of a cataclysm, a complete turning side-out of the moral personality, is needed.
-pg. 106-107 of The Major Themes of the Qur'an by Fazlur Rahman

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