Highlight in books relating to Islam:
-I got to see Jonathan Brown's Hadith: An Introduction
-I was really excited to see this new book in what's really becoming my area of interest: A History of Islam in America: From the New World to the New World Order
Reza Aslan's How to Win a Cosmic War is now in paperback under the title Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization
In other news...:
Ayan Hirsi Ali has a new book Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations
as does Bernard Lewis Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
I also got to see Paul Berman's The Flight of the Intellectuals
Salam Ebad
ReplyDeleteThe Hadith book looks interesting. The only book on hadith originally written in English is the Usool al Hadith book by Sheikh Bilal Phillips. I am looking forward to reading this. Thanks for this post.
How do you like Reza Aslan's books? The only one I read was "No God, but God". I wasn't really a big fan for a few reasons. There was an interesting portion though in the book about Rasulillah's (s) life. Mr. Aslan recounted this story of Rasulillah (s)meeting a hanif. The interesting aspect of the story however was the part about Rasulillah (s) coming back from worshiping idols. Have you heard any hadith or narrations about this incident? I couldn't find the reference in the book.
- Sajed
wa alaykum salaam Sajed,
ReplyDeleteThere's also another book by Zubayr Siddiqui that Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad edited that I have and seems pretty good - I did a quick search and found a link here: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Hadith-Literature/Muhammad-Zubayr-Siddiqi/e/9780946621385
I still haven't gotten thru "No God but god." Give me a 'minute' to see what he writes there
Ah thanks for the recom. I'll look into it iA.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry too much about reading the Aslan book. I dont really recommend it.