Thursday, November 12, 2009

Going after Imam Siraj..

The hate campaign continues...after a meeting today with Mayor Bloomberg who had said "he wants to keep the lines of communication open in the hopes of preventing any backlash following last Thursday's shooting rampage at Fort Hood."

In the New York Post today "1993 WTC 'plotter' in Mike meet"

"Bloomberg Linked to Terrorist"

Apparently, Bloomberg "seemed to defend the concept of inviting Wahhaj, saying:

“[I]ncidentally, he is the leader of a large mosque. And we’re going to reach out to everybody. I don’t care what their background is. We do not want to have people in this city who feel that they are so estranged from the community that they start fighting the community. Our job here is to bring people together, to listen to people and to make sure that everybody is protected regardless of whether there are things in their background that find – that I don’t agree with, or [are] unacceptable or whatever the case may be.”

“My job is to reach out to everybody and that is exactly what we did and what we will continue to do,” he said. [read here]

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