Thursday, April 29, 2010

describes this blog? :)

Because this idea that the Internet's gonna become incredibly democratic? I mean, if you've spent any time on the Web, you know that it's not gonna be, because that's completely overwhelming. There are four trillion bits coming at you, 99 percents of them are shit, and it's too much work to do triage to decide. 
So it's very clearly, very soon there's gonna be an economic niche opening up for gatekeepers. You know? Or, what do you call them, Wells, or various nexes. Not just of interest but of quality. And then things get real interesting. And we will beg for those things to be there. Because otherwise we're gonna spend 95 percent of our time body-surfing through shit that every joker in his basement - who's not a pro, like you were talking about last night....

pg. 87-88 [sorry about the language]


  1. This blog is my home page...which means I check it several times a day. It's just more useful than many other things on the internet.

  2. Why, thank you. Feel free to send any thoughtful or interesting things you find my way at :)
