Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The contemporary expression of this personality-breaking process

 is found in the way Islam is used as a weapon against Muslim prisoners in U.S.-run jails. In the mountains of evidence that has cascaded out of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, two forms of prisoner abuse come up again and again: nudity and the deliberate interference with Islamic practice, whether by forcing prisoners to shave their beards, kicking the Koran, wrapping prisoners in Israel flags, forcing men into homosexual poses, even touching men with stimulated menstrual blood. Moazzam Begg, a former prisoner at Guantanamo, says he was frequently forcibly shaved and a guard would say, "This is the part that really gets to you Muslims, isn't it?" Islam is desecrated not because it is hated by the guards (though it may well be) but because it is loved by the prisoners. Since the goal of torture is to unmake personalities, everything that comprises a prisoner's personality must be systematically stolen - from his clothes to his cherished beliefs. In the seventies that meant attacking social solidarity; today it means assaulting Islam.
-The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein, pg. 113

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