Thursday, October 6, 2011

15 more to Madinah

In a second letter to [M.S.] Handler [a NYT journalist], dated the following day, he [Malcolm] criticized his former belief in Elijah Muhammad "as a divine leader who had no human faults." What had prompted the letter, however, was the news that Surur al-Sabban [shaykh, the secretary general of the Muslim World League] had named Malcolm as the World Islamic League's representative in the United States, with the authority to start an official center in New York City. The league offered fifteen scholarships to American Muslims to attend the Islamic University of Madinah (Medina). This gift, combined with the twenty scholarships offered in Cairo, gave Malcolm thirty-five fully funded scholarships.
-Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (2011) by Manning Marable, pg. 370.

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