Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ibn 'Ata Allah on comprehensive supplications and sending blessings on the Prophet

"Whoever approaches the end of life and wants to make up for what he has missed, let him busy himself with comprehensive supplications. For if he does this, his short life will become long in effect. For example, he might say, "Glory be to God Almighty, and may He be praised, as plentifully as the number of His creatures, in proportions that please His self, on a magnitude as great as His Throne, and as expansively as the scope of His words. Likewise, one who has failed to engage in much fasting and night vigils should preoccupy himself with sending blessings upon the Prophet. For should you fulfill God's every commandment throughout your life then God should send a single blessing upon you, this single blessing would outweigh all of the acts of obedience that you have performed throughout your entire life. This is because you send blessings upon the Prophet in proportion to your capacity, while He sends blessings upon you in proportion to His lordship. This is the case if He sends a single blessing. So what if, as indicated in the sound hadith, He was to send ten blessings upon you every time you send a single blessing upon the Prophet? How beautiful a life is when lived in obedience to God or sending blessings upon the Prophet!

-Ibn 'Ata Allah al-Sakandari, Sufism for Non-Sufis? Taj Al-'Arus (The Bridge-Groom's Crown)trans. Sherman Jackson, pg. 59-60.

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