Thursday, December 20, 2012

Insights with Dr. Sherman Jackson

Check out this new video with Dr. Jackson about how some misunderstand his views on being an American Muslim.

Also, this is the poem that he shares as one of his favorites:

ذلك الطّفل الذي كنتُ, أتاني 


وجهًا غريبًا. 

لم يقل شيئًا. مشينا 

وكِلانا يرمقُ الآخرَ في صمتٍ. خُطانا 

نَهَرٌ يجري غريبًا. 

جمعتْنا, باسْمِ هذا الورقِ الضّارب في الرّيح, الأصولُ 


غابةً تكتبها الأرضُ وترْويها الفصولُ. 

أيها الطّفل الذي كنتُ, تَقَدَّمْ 

ما الذي يجمعنا, الآنَ, وماذا سنقولُ? .



"That child who once was me 
came to me once in a strange face, 
he didn't say anything,
we just looked at each other and then walked along the way
we were joined together in the name of that leaf that dangles in the wind by our roots,
then we departed
and we went into a jungle whose author is the earth and whose narrator is the seasons,
O child who once was me,
come forward now,
what is it that joins us together still
and what shall we say together?"

-Adonis, translated by Dr. Jackson.

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