Saturday, January 19, 2013

Increasing our Iman through Reading the Qur'an: Halaqas with Dr. Ali Mermer

I wanted to highlight the halaqas of a teacher in New York City which I have been attending for some time now alhamdullilah. In general, I have found it immensely beneficial and intensely meaningfully bi ithni Allah. Just wanted to share :)

You can find recordings of previous halaqas with Dr. Ali Mermer (each is about an hour to hour and half long) here. Dr. Ali is the chaplain at Queens College. He holds halaqas at the Islamic Center at NYU on Wednesday nights, at Queens College on Monday nights I believe, as well as in his apartment on Saturday mornings, which people can also join via skype (as of the moment, we're looking into other options like using Adobe for a webcast). [Please let me know if you have suggestions or know how to set up an Adobe classroom. Thank you. Ebad.]

NYU Halaqa 1 : Understanding Muhkamat and Mutashabihat

Saturday Halaqa 1:

Halaqa 2: Understanding Mulk and Malakut

Halaqa 3: Responding with Wonder

Halaqa 4 : "How can we thank you as is your due?"

And most recently,

NYU Halaqa 2 : Who to follow?

The halaqa with Dr. Ali Mermer are open to join on skype through the username: islamfromwithin. (Saturday, 10:30 AM EST.  Sundays, 3 PM EST.)

Sundays, the reading is currently at from the 19th Word of Said Nursi. pg. 245. Saturdays I believe it's from the 11th Word.

The Words is available to read online at this link

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