Monday, November 9, 2020

Imam Zaid Shakir: "Trump: Hawk or Dove" (2/27/2020)

During his recent State of the Union Address, President Trump boasted of his record levels of military spending. Despite that boast and its deadly implications, there are those who naively believe that Mr. Trump is rolling back America’s military presence in the world, some even going so far as to describe the President as “antiwar.” This naiveté has been encouraged by the ongoing negotiations to “end” the Afghan war. Contrary to popular perception, President Trump is escalating America’s military presence globally in ways that not only expand American military footprint but create unprecedented dangers to the world community.


In conclusion, it is true that Trump did not start the militaristic policies he perpetuates with great gusto. He is, however, doing nothing to alter those policies in ways that would allow anyone to entertain the illusion of his somehow being anti-war or in any way less militaristic than his predecessors. In addition to what has been mentioned above, Trump has glorified the military with rhetoric, symbols, and ceremonies, such as his proposed Kremlin-style military parade, in ways that create an atmosphere conducive to further entrenching militarism as an inextricable facet of American life and society. Those who see the inherent danger of the denigration of American diplomacy, the expansion of American military adventurism, arbitrary nuclear proliferation, reckless arms sales, and the corrosion of American society by the leeching of a toxic militarism into ever deeper recesses of our body politic, cannot be silent. We must decry this madness and help organize to bring it to an end.

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