Sunday, August 23, 2009

On the Exalted Stature and Miraculous Merits of the Quran - part 2

How can a praising poet hope to plumb the depths
Of its noble virtues and majestic traits?

These signs from God of what is real radiate into the present--
Eternal gems from the jewel-box of the Infinite, the Merciful.

-from the Burda of al-Busiri (the Poem of the Cloak) translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

[Shaykh Hamza commented on this section from the Burda during one Ramadan. It was recorded and produced as Miracles of the Quran from the Burda of Imam al-Busiri in a 6 CD set]

E-baad-e News

1 comment:

  1. not many people know about this CD set, but I LOVE it, i think i listened to it three times. i'm gonna try to listen to it again this week insha Allah

    - Haroon N

    PS I miss ya, hope to see you soon
