Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"O Mankind! If you are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, [consider that] We created you of dust, then of semen, then of a clot of blood, then of a lump of flesh shaped and unshaped, so that We may make clear to you. And We keep in the wombs what We please to an appointed term, then We bring you forth as infants, then We cause you to grow up, that you may reach your prime. And among you some die [young] and some are sent back to the feeblest old age so that they know nothing after they had knowledge. You sometimes see the earth still. But where We pour down rain on it, it quivers, and swells, and grows of every pleasant pair."

footnote no. 635 from the Majestic Qur'an:

Those who have doubts in their minds about life after death have only to turn their attention, either to themselves or to the nature around. How wonderful is their own physical growth from lifeless mater to seed, fertilized ovum, fetus, child, youth, age, and death! How can they doubt that the author of all these astounding stages can also give them another kind of life after the end of this life? If they look at external nature, they see the earth dead and barren, and Allah's fertilizing showers bringing it to life, growth and beauty in various forms. The creator of this beauty can surely create yet another world. Furthermore, the stages of a man's physical growth from nothing until he completes the cycle of this life are described in words whose accuracy, beauty and comprehensiveness can only by fully understood by biologists. Parallel to the physical growth may be understood man's inner growth, also by stages and by Allah's creative artistry.

In this passage the mystery of our life is used to illustrate Allah's abundant mercy and favor, and His giving us a future life of even greater promise.

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