Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tariq Ramadan on Economic Resistance/Critique

Universes of resistance to the dominant economic order remain divided or remain in ignorance of one another. Muslim thinkers hardly seem to have studied or integrated Western criticisms of the system produced by the West itself: it is as if, to acknowledge criticism as relevant, one needed to ask about the faith of the woman or man who had written them. Thus, the "atheistic" critique of the capitalist economy has almost been dismissed because of its intellectual origin, without its fundamental interest and historical achievements receiving proper attention. Yet, nothing serious can be thought and achieved in terms of resisting the dominant model without resorting to a critique "from within" that works out the stages of an alternative "from within." We should integrate [interrogate?] the system to try to free ourselves from it and not, in an arrogant or utopian manner, consider ourselves as standing apart on a margin that is or should be protected. [23]
-Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation by Tariq Ramadan, pg. 248.

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