Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"Lord God, give me light in my heart, and light in my tongue. Give me light in my eye, and light in my hearing. Give me light upon my right side and upon my left side. Give me light above me, light beneath me, light before me, and light behind me. Give me light. Make me light."

(Hadith in Muslim, Musafirin, 181, 187)
-Epigraph for Tim Winter (Abdal-Hakim Murad's article) ‘Ishmael and the Enlightenment’s crise de coeur: a response to Koshul and Kepnes,’ in Basit Bilal Koshul and Stephen Kepnes (eds.), Scripture, Reason, and the contemporary Islam-West encounter: studying the ‘Other’, Understanding the ‘Self’ (New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 149-175.

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